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Tesla is one of the biggest company in this generation of digital era. that’s why he’s a company off making Tesla cars and AI powered autopilot automatic chargeable cars. His company is developed by the Elon Musk. This company is more the famous just because of most secure cars and auto driving cars. Tesla is newly launched there cyber truck which is considered as tank for the safety, because it was the strongest metal of the car and the they durability of car is next to impossible to break or bend. Before the two years Tesla wants to launch the cyber truck but for some reason after the testing the tester is throwing a iron ball on the teslas mirror and this tesla Cyber trucks mirror get broken it was first time and first attempt for the cyber trunk launching Elon Musk said that We already tested it before the main testing and it was successfully passed the test but don’t know how the fail in this test, Even though the test was same. But at the point it doesn’t launch. But after the 1 year Elon Musk taking one more action and update on the cyber truck and coming again too launch the cyber truck and then the cyber truck was handled multiple strikes and bullets of gun which is shot by snipers and AR. That time subway truck was get launch. That was a previous year innovation in the Tesla but now we are seeing the what to expect from Elon Musk in the 2025.
The Cybertruck uses the Ethernet-based communication system, which replaces the traditional wring setup to provide faster data transfer speeds. It also introduced steer-by-wire technology that eliminates the traditional mechanical link between the steering wheel and the steering rack actuator. By using sensors, the steering column sends signals to the steering rack, offering improved steering configurations and enhanced vehicle control. Additionally, the Cybertruck includes rear-wheel steering with a turn angle of up to 10 degrees.
Upcoming Tesla models and innovations
Tesla Cyber truck updates
Updates in the cyber truck it is mainly focused on their interior system and comfortability with the durability. Cyber truck is known as most secure and powerful car. This car is much more stronger than other any cars. And now Elon Musk is adding some updates in the new version of Cyber truck which is like adding some AI for the autopilot mode.
Teslas AI powered autopilot enhancement
Tesla is now working under AI powered base autopilot mode In there cars. Some of the Tesla cars are having automatic car driving mode autopilot but there are some issues in their software. Over the years the company has improve its AI powered driving system making the vehicles safely and more autonomous in the 2025 we can expect several keeps development in the space.
Enhanced neural networks
For the improving the auto pilot Tesla is using the artificial intelligence AI and neural networks to levelling its new updated form. It can have more the AI models capable of better decision makings and in the complex traffic sensorings. It can uses the advanced deep learning algorithms which can be mainly used for the enable Tesla vehicles to predict the road condition detecting the obstacles and react faster than humans driver more accurately.
Vision based approach refinement
Tesla is now moving away from the lidar best sensors in favour of pure vision based system using cameras and artificial intelligence AI. In the 2025 we can expect the further advancement in the tesla vision like a making it more reliable in a low light condition and also complex urban environment.
Smart Saman and parking enhancement
It is a new in a Tesla smart feature it is allowed a vehicle to navigate the parking lot and go to the driver it can expected to see the major improvements in their systems like identification of the user.
Tesla’s role in sustainability energy
Outer of the EVS as lies now positioning the itself as the leader in the sustainable energy solutions focusing on the battery technology solar energy and their new grid service.
Next Zen battery technology
Tesla is now working on the advance battery chemistry such as the lithium iron phosphate and the solid state batteries.
- Higher energy density
- Faster charging Times
- Longer lifespan
- Reducing the Reliance on rare Earth materials
It can be useful for the improving with the range and the performance of Tesla vehicles because it can the reducing the cost and making EVS more affordable for the market.
Expansion of solar energy solutions.
Tesla solar divisions including the solar roof and the power wall we can see the expected in the major expansion.
- Higher efficiency solar panels.
- More affordable solar roof tiles.
- Wider adoption of the tesla’s virtual power plant vpp program.
AI driven energy management
tesla’s new AI driven energy management solutions like unable in the real time optimization of energy production and the consumption because in the 2025 we can expect AI powered smart grids for the helping to reducing the energy wastage and the dependence of on fossil fuels.
- Higher capacity
- More partnership with utility companies
Space X and Tesla collaboration
Tesla is collaborating with the space x for the operating the new and different industries Elon Musk is have been already give the hint at a potential collaboration between the two biggest companies. We can see the new things in this collaboration like.
- Starlink connected Tesla vehicles.
- Shared battery and AI technology
- Mars ready vehicles
starlings satellite internet service could be integrated to the Tesla car cause of providing the best high speed internet access in the remote areas because it can give the major advantages like over the year software update, enhance real time navigation and the remote diagnostic and support.
And the both Tesla and space X really on the cutting edge battery and AI technology. The advancement in the battery efficiency it could be like benefit face x space missions while the aerospace materials research which can be lid to lighter and storage components for the tesla vehicles.
With the help of Elon Musk vision for the colonising on the Mars it could be involve the tesla’s new design rovers and the new energy system.
That leaves Optimus. With characteristic modesty, Musk pencils in a revenue potential for the humanoid robot division at $10 trillion or more. It’s an optimistic notion, certainly. But Tesla’s market value has long implied optimistic things. Morgan Stanley analysts peg just 20% of their valuation on its automative business, with various moonshots making up the rest.
Musk in the past relied on puffing up those moonshots’ prospects to help steer the company through tougher times. He may try again as competitors encroach and his own actions tarnish its cult-like brand. Yet plunging, or even just stagnating, vehicle sales will focus investors’ minds on the downside. That will raise the prospect of Tesla’s future being less OMG and more like traditional carmaker GM. Musk’s political entanglements may make things even worse. Sure, Tesla shareholders are used to him devoting his time elsewhere – to Twitter, now renamed X; to SpaceX; to his artificial-intelligence and brain-interface side ventures.