Biometric Security thread: Are Passwords Becoming Obsolete?

Biometric Security In today’s digital age security is most important thing security trades have become more sophisticated and making traditional password-based authentication effective less. The highly increasing the numbers of data breaches and cyberattacks passwords are proving to be more week to defense the against from the unauthorized accessed in other words hackers.

The rise of biometric security

The biometric security it is an unique physical and behaviour characteristics which is used to verify the persons Identity, it is useful and making the data secure. The best part of the security is it is not unlike a passwords which can guest stolen or forgotten biometric are distinct biological traits which is difficult to replicate from the other password.

If you forget in the password it means you cannot make a new password for that account or you can’t open it if you have a password then you can enter in your data but if you don’t have any password or your forget and then you can’t do forget password in that case.
There are some biometrical authentication with its benefits challenges and replace conditioner

Types of biometric authentication.

Biometric Security

Fingerprint scanner – in the fingerprint scanning it uses the users fingerprint scan and make it in 2D or 3D image whenever user put their finger to the sensor it makes and operation and matches there print and entered.

Facial recognition – in the facial reorganization it can use your face to unlock your account or password. It means your face is a part of password to unlock your data or enter your data
Aries and retina scanning – highly accurate but mostly used in high security environment.
Voice recognition – in that case your voice is a key of your data it integrated into the virtual assistant and banking service for you.

Behavior biometrics- it is basis on your mouse moment pattern and also including your peace strokes dynamics.


  • Enhance the Biometric Security
    It will enhance the security just because password is vulnerable from the brute force attacks fishing scans and other like database leaks. The biometrics on the other hands it is a individual and unique much harder for two forge and making them more secure in the authentication methods.
  • Reduce risk
    Not like the password biometric can make the password more stronger as can it be. And unlike the password it cannot be changes, if you forget the password there is no way to enter your data and other unauthorised access are also blocked in this authentication method.
  • Improve user experience
    It is improve the users experience because it is more secure than if you need to typing long password and going through multiple verification step that can be more frustrating things. But also in that case biometric authentication is one of the simplest process leading to smoother user experience.

Are passwords becoming obsolete ?

when you using the biometric authentication it is increasingly replacing password in your many areas and near be areas completing the eleminating the password may not be practical in the near future.
Backup authentication-there are some system still required a password for the backup in case biometric authentication will be failed.

Regularity compliance-there are some industries and government which is the required multi factor authentication which is also including their password
User preference-there are some people who use the traditional password due to the concern over biometric privacy and security.


In this digital world the biometric security is revolving their authentication and password not completely obsolete. Biometric security is used full, and it offers you to more secure convince tent alternative a hybrid approach and combining passwords of a biometric with traditional security measures it is much more likely to dominating the authentication landscape in the future.

Similarly, because biometric traits are part of the user’s body, users no longer need to remember or manage passwords, offering a seamless and user-friendly authentication experience. This makes them hard to transfer, which reduces the risk of sharing or theft, while also making difficult for a user to deny involvement related to activity on their account. Compared to passwords, biometrics are much more resistant to traditional attack methods like brute-force attacks.

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